Class 8 Assignment 7th Week 2021 Answer Math & Islam

The Department of Secondary and Higher Education has published the seventh week assignment syllabus of class 8. All students are taking a long vacation from March 18, 2020 for Covid 19. That is why the students have moved away from their studies. However, the Ministry of Education had given online lessons to the students on Songsad Television 2020. But it was not possible to evaluate the students. To this end, the Department of Secondary and Higher Education has introduced assignments to assess students. Therefore, download your class 8 assignment 7th week answer 2021 from here for your math and religion subjects very docility.

Assignment Class 8

Even after a long time, the opening of educational institutions remained in the dark. Even though the learning process of the students is going on due to this closure. Merit could not be assessed. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has launched the assignment towards the end of 2020. So that students can be evaluated. Class 8 Assignment 7th Week 2021 Answer Math & Islam. This is the 7th week assignment for 8th class. Each assignment was given by NCTB from a textbook. Students should be in the learning process.

7th Week Assignment Class 8

Educational institutions across the country have been closed since March 18, 2020 for Covid 19. As a result, students are being hindered from going to school and acquiring knowledge. However, the Ministry of Education has continued the learning process through Sangsad Television since 2020. Many institutions have taught online on their own initiative. But it was not possible to evaluate the students. That is why DSHE has introduced assignment system. In its continuation, this time the assignment syllabus of 7th week of class 8 of Mathematics and Islam and Moral Education has been published.7th Week Assignment Class 8


Class 8 Assignment Math

DSHE introduced assignment towards the end of 2020 to assess the merits of students. The 7th week assignment has been published in its continuation. In the seventh week, the Board of Education has given class 8 Mathematics Assignment Syllabus. Those of you who are in class 8, concentrate on writing math assignments without delay. Because you will be assessed in the 8th week math assignment.Class 8 Assignment Math

Class 8 7th Week Math Assignment Answer 2021

Math assignment for class 8 of 7 week is given from NCTB textbook. This is the 2nd assignment of 8th class. We upload the answers to the assignments of each subject to our side every week. The answers to the 7 week math assignment are given in PDF format in this post. Read the whole post to get the answer.

গণিত উত্তর PDF Download এর জন্য এখানে  ক্লিক করুন

Class 8 Assignment Islam Answer

Islam assignment for class 8 of 7 week is given from NCTB textbook. You have to complete the assignment like Islam and Moral Education like Mathematics and submit it to your class teacher. Because you will be judged on Islam and moral education. In the seventh week, the Board of Education has given class 8 Islam and Moral Education Assignment Syllabus. Your merit has not been verified for not taking the class. So assignments have been arranged for your assessment. We have answered Islam and moral teachings like every subject. The answer is given in PDF format in this post.

Class 8 Assignment Islam

ইসলম ধর্ম ও নৈতিক শিক্ষা উত্তর PDF Download এর জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করুন

Class 8 Assignment Islam Answer

Last Word

Finally, I wish all the students well. You will submit your assignment to the school on time. We will publish the answers to all the assignments on our side for your benefit. You will definitely visit our side regularly.

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